Is Your Commercial Real Estate For Sale?
Welcome! Thank you for visiting our site!
Given you are on this page, you have received a call or letter inquiring if a property you own might be available for sale. You did the right thing, you are checking us out!
Who is Metro Properties Group?
Metro Properties Group, LLC is a commercial real estate buyer agency. We opened in Myrtle Beach in 2013 and our primary role is helping buyers find qualified properties to purchase. Scott Taylor is the Broker-in-Charge and has 20 years’ experience in the commercial real estate (CRE) industry with the majority of his work being focused on land for development.
Metro Properties Group is a Buyer Agency
First of all, we are a Buyer Agency. We represent the Buyer through a written Agreement called a Buyer Representation Agreement; basically it is a Listing Agreement for the Buyer side. This means we were hired to look for properties that meet as many of our Clients’ buying checklist as possible. Inversely, a Listing means a broker will look for buyers that meet the seller needs.
Since we represent Buyers, our fiduciary duty is to our Client. These duties are as follows: Care, Obedience, Loyalty, Disclosure, Accounting and Confidentiality.
What is Real Estate Agency?
It is very important as a buyer or seller to understand agency relationships, click here for the South Carolina Disclosure of Real Estate Brokerage Relationships Form which outlines them.
Why did we contact you?
We have a buyer interested in purchasing commercial property or land like yours.
We prequalify our commercial real estate buyers before taking them on as clients and work with them to get an understanding of what they are looking for. We then translate their property and locational requirements into specific commercial properties that appear to meet those requirements utilizing GIS technology.
This leads us to you and your recent contact. We have determined, at least preliminarily, that your commercial property or land meets enough criteria for our client to consider it for purchase. Of course, they can only do that if you are open to selling.
We understand that a sale may not have been on your mind at this time. However, while your property may be a fit for our Client, we have contacted other owners as well. So, if you have an interest in exploring a sale do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Finally, we are NOT seeking a listing! If your commercial property or land is listed with an agent, please have them contact us.
Thank you for your consideration of our inquiry!
We look forward to hearing back from you!